Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Playdate - Dominic's House

We had a good time with Dominic today minus the bee sting Matthew got.
Eun Jeong prepared a lot of yummy snacks.
Joseph and Matthew didn't go into the pool.
They just played around and near it.
Matthew was playing at the water station Eun Jeong set up when a bee came by.
I saw it and tried to swoosh it away, but it decided to land on Matthew's hand.
Before I knew it Matthew pinched the bee with his two fingers.
The bee of course stung him.
I saw the stinger and pulled it out. I'm not quite sure if it came all out though.
Another mom who happened to be at the pool gave us a scare.
She said we should rush to the hospital.
So she put Eun Jeong and me in a panic when we were pretty calm ourselves.
Yeah... so we rushed to urgent care near by.
They didn't accept our insurance so we decided to go back to Eun Jeong's house.
I wasn't going to pay $100+ for a bee sting.
I'm not putting a price on my son's well-being.
I just didn't feel this was a situation to fork out that much money.
If Matthew was allergic to bees or showed any serious signs
I would probably have seen the doctor.
While all this was happening we talked to several people...
Everybody from my husband to Jihee 언니, who is a nurse...etc.
Oh what a day...
Matthew was a brave little boy though.
He cried a bit ... 아퍼, 아퍼... 벌래가 물었어.
After awhile though he was playing again as if a bee never stung him.
Gosh... as a mother I try to be prepared for these things,
but when an acutal stituation occurs it's quite difficult to remember.
All in all... go with your motherly instincts because it's almost always right.

Okay now go here for some pictures from today.

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